We have a variety of Groups which help make up the life at St Mary's. They are a great place to build friendships, to play our part in the vision for St Mary's to serve the community and help us all grow in our faith.
Home Groups
We have a growing number of home groups, where a small number of people gather regularly in someone’s home for food and fellowship. They are a great place to get to know people better, to share life and to grow together in our faith.
Connect Women
A place for Women to meet for fellowship, discipleship and a place to grow in faith. We hold a range events, often with guest speakers and also provide support to each other on a daily basis.
The Well
The Well is a regular women's breakfast which will be happening on the second Saturday of the month from 9.30 to 11am. A time of refreshment, support and encouragement. See our calendar for dates of next event.
Solo Connect
Solo Connect is a group of Christian men and women, singles, single parents, widows and divorcees who do life alone.
Solo Connect is a platform where you can find, meet, connect and build fellowship with other Christians on the same life path: singleness.
St Mary’s Men
We meet up in friendship to talk about the things that really matter to us as men. We open and discuss the bible and its application, all in the pub over a drink. We meet regularly in the Bell pub opposite the church.
Book Club
St Mary’s Book Club meets on the last Friday of each month from 10.30am to 12pm. We read a wide variety of light literature with a Christian message. Everyone is welcome!
Connect with us
If you are new to St Mary’s we’d love to be in touch with you. Please click on the Connect button to send us your details or email us at church.office@smem.org.uk